Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Author And Page Information

    • by Anup Shah
    • This Page Last Updated Sunday, January 19, 2014
The variety of life on Earth, its biological diversity is commonly referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach. Almost all cultures have in some way or form recognized the importance that nature, and its biological diversity has had upon them and the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed and politics have affected the precarious balance.
Biodiversity is different species of resources or tings 

Rates of Reaction

Endothermic Reactions - a chemical reaction that requires heat
Exothermic Reaction - a chemical reaction in which heat is released to the surroundings
Rates of Reactions - a measure of how fast a reaction takes place
Activation Energy - the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical  reaction

The five factors that can affect the rates of reactions:
.  Temperature
.  Concentration
.  Surface Area
.  Inhibitors
.  Catalysts

All of the factors affect the rate of the reaction some make the particles move faster, and some makes it move slower, or stop.

Definitions and Examples


Biodiversity- the number and variety of organisms in a given area during a specific period of time.

Environmental Degradation- is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources

Assistive Bioengineering- engineering the results in a product or process that helps living organisms but does not change them permenently

Adaptive Bioengineering- engineering the results in a product or process that changes living organisms


Biodiversity- blue whales, white-tailed deer, white pine trees, sunflowers and microscopic bacteria

Environmental Degradation- air, water and soil

Assistive Bioengineering- hearing aids, eye glasses, prosthetic limbs,

Adaptive Bioengineering- cochlear implants, insulin pumps,

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Designed experiment

What is the effect of the density of different mediums (e.g., air and glass) on the speed at which light travels?

Independent variable: Density of different mediums

Dependent variable: Speed at which light travels

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The process of building an electric motor.

Materials: battery, cup, plastic-foam, magnet, paperclips (2), sandpaper, permanent marker, tape, tube, and wire, insulated, with alligator clips.
Step 1: Wrap the coil around a circular tube; turn the wire into a coil, leaving about 5cm of free wire on each end.
Step 2: Sand the free ends of the wires about halfway.
Step 3: Unfold 2 paperclips, but make a hook at the top.
Step 4: Place two magnets inside the cup, at the bottom and then turn it over on the outside and put it on the bottom of the cup, Leaving the cup placed down.
Step 5: Tap the paper clips to the side of the cup, should keep the coil from touching the magnet.
Step 6: Test the coil, slighty hit on side of the coil and see if it will spin . The should not be wobbly or sliding to one side.
Step 7: Make changes if it did not spin.
Step 8: Attach one end of the alligator clip to one of the paperclips.
Step 9: Attach the free end of the same wire to the battery.
Step 10: Do the same thing with the alligator clip to the other paperclip and to the other part of the battery. SPIN IT!!!!!!!!! Record your observations.
Step 11: Stop the coil, and spin it the opposite way. Record your observations.
Step12 : If the coil doesn't keep spinning, check to see if only the bare wire is touching the paperclips for the other half to rotate.
Step 13: If removed too much enamel, hust color some of it with the permanent marker.
Step 14: Switch the connections to the battery, and redue steps 10 and 11.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Building a DC motor.

The results after the experiment is that in our experiment we converted electrical energy into mechanical energy by connecting the wires to a bunch of things, and eventually the coil spun around and around, but when we tried to reverse the direction of the coil spinning it refused and spun back aorund the other way.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Solenoid (definition)

Definition- A wire that acts as a magnet when it carries out electric curr

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What is a coefficient?

A coefficient is the larger number in a chemical equation. For example, 2H2o, the larger number,2 , in the equation, which is before the H, is the coefficient. It tells us how many molecules of the substance there is.

What is a subscript?

A subscript is the smaller number in the chemical equation. For example, H2o, the number 2 in the equation is the subscript. It tells us how many atoms of each element is present in the equation. 

What is a chemical equation?

A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction where in the reactant entities are given on the left hand side and the product entities on the right hand side.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Experiment 2 ( CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> CHCOONa +H2O + CO2 )

What was a chemical reaction in expeeriment 2?
  We poured 20 ml of vinegar into a 100 ml  measuring tube. Next, we lighted a tea candle and placed it into a plastic contanier bowl. The candled's depth is approximately 100 ml. Then we added about 1 gram of baking soda and held the measuring tube oveer the contanier bowl and the gas created, and took out the fire on the candle.

Experiment 1 (CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2)

What chemical reaction occured in experiment 1?

 We poured 10 ml. of vinegar into a test tube ( approximately 57 ml ). Then, we added approximately 0.5 g. of baking soda (sodium bircarbonate). When the two substances were combined it created foam, afterwards, it transformed into a gas, carbon dioxide(CO2), which blew up the balloon.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Chemical reaction (definition)

A chemical reaction is the process that involves the rearrangement of molecules or ionic structure of a substance,  a change in physical form or a nuclear reaction is the opposite.

Law of Conservation of Mass

Law of Conservation of Mass means that mass cannot be created or destroyed by ordinary chemical or physical changes. So even though you make a new substance you will not be able to destroy or create the mass(es) of the element(s).

Friday, January 17, 2014

Metallic Bonds

A metallic bond is a chemical bond in which electrons are shared over many nuclei and electronic conduction occurs.

Covalent Bonds

A covalent bond is a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.

How do protons relate to elements?

Protons relate to elements because protons are positively charged electrons in atoms that make up elements.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ionic Bonds

An ionic bond is a chemical bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion.

What is a chemical bond?

A chemical bond is an interaction that holds atoms or ion together.